About Me

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Hendersonville, Tennessee, United States
“I believe in the power of yoga,” says MPC YOGA FOR ALL founder Michele Priddy. “I have seen lives change, including my own, in deep, transformative and real ways.” Michele, who holds a Master’s degree in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University and certification as a RYT-500 from Yoga Alliance, has more than two decades of experience helping adults and children of all ages and abilities reach their maximum potential. Her highly-individualized yoga classes, workshops and in-service training programs are more than just opportunities to for her students to move: they are transformational experiences made even richer by Michele’s deep understanding of yoga movement, breath work and philosophy coupled with an encyclopedic knowledge of anatomy and physiology. In addition to teaching yoga at Middle Tennessee’s most respected yoga schools, Michele has led workshops for children with disabilities, teachers, social service workers, parents and others on a variety of topics including Yoga for Children, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness, Adaptive Yoga and Vinyasa Flow.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

On the Downslide

As the San Antonio marathon approaches, Sunday Nov. 16, my training has decreasesd over the past two weeks. Today will be my last long run, 6 miles. Next weeks run is only 30 minutes. Then it's the full marathon. As the days have gotten shorter and fall is in full swing it has been more difficult these past weeks to be energized to run. I find myself wanting to stay in bed and not face the cool of the morning. I have also found myself at the YMCA track more often, not wanting to face the outside world. This reflects my current mood, a little gloomy, lazy, and depressed. I seek the comfort of home, the warmth of the heat, the mindlessness of watching TV. I don't want to face action and living life on life's terms. But God continues to call me to do what I often find myself not wanting to do. He nudges me out of bed on a cool Saturday morning like today and tells me it's time to run, time to connect with him in meditation as I breath through the miles and put one foot in front of the other. It is not complicated, it is simple. As you wake up this morning, take some time to enjoy the beauty of this Saturday, honoring God and family with intention, breathing in the gift of life, and following the simple path.

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