About Me

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Hendersonville, Tennessee, United States
“I believe in the power of yoga,” says MPC YOGA FOR ALL founder Michele Priddy. “I have seen lives change, including my own, in deep, transformative and real ways.” Michele, who holds a Master’s degree in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University and certification as a RYT-500 from Yoga Alliance, has more than two decades of experience helping adults and children of all ages and abilities reach their maximum potential. Her highly-individualized yoga classes, workshops and in-service training programs are more than just opportunities to for her students to move: they are transformational experiences made even richer by Michele’s deep understanding of yoga movement, breath work and philosophy coupled with an encyclopedic knowledge of anatomy and physiology. In addition to teaching yoga at Middle Tennessee’s most respected yoga schools, Michele has led workshops for children with disabilities, teachers, social service workers, parents and others on a variety of topics including Yoga for Children, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness, Adaptive Yoga and Vinyasa Flow.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Losing Weight in the New Year

Losing Weight in the New Year

It’s the beginning of the year, lots of drama around losing weight. It seems as if every commercial, talk show and magazine ad is toting the latest and greatest weight loss method. I just finished watching an episode of The View where a young eighteen- year- old lost 90 lbs. in 90 days on some extreme weight loss show. Whew! Though I commend her on her success, I have to wonder how long her weight loss will last. Seems to me she is sitting on the pink cloud of success right now. I admire her perseverance in completing the program, but I have to wonder what happens when life hits, some adversity finds its way into her life. Will she have the tools she needs to maintain? I am saddened once again by the pain of our culture and what it does to those that are different, suffering, and trying desperately to be someone else.

Obesity is a problem for our culture. An estimated 1 billion + people are obese, spending over 50 million on weight loss products. For me the only thing that has worked in maintaining my weight is nothing new. A complete lifestyle change including healthy eating habits and exercise, along with reducing stress has proved to be most effective and what professionals agree is the only thing that is lasting. The next question is how to achieve this. Yoga helps. A dedicated, regular yoga practice helps slow the heart rate contributing to lower stress levels, improve elimination causing improved digestive function, and build healthy muscles, all helpful in losing weight. Because yoga practice builds on itself consistency, and regularity are essential. If you must do something drastic, enroll in a yoga class and commit to making yoga a part of your lifestyle. See you on the mat.

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