About Me

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Hendersonville, Tennessee, United States
“I believe in the power of yoga,” says MPC YOGA FOR ALL founder Michele Priddy. “I have seen lives change, including my own, in deep, transformative and real ways.” Michele, who holds a Master’s degree in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University and certification as a RYT-500 from Yoga Alliance, has more than two decades of experience helping adults and children of all ages and abilities reach their maximum potential. Her highly-individualized yoga classes, workshops and in-service training programs are more than just opportunities to for her students to move: they are transformational experiences made even richer by Michele’s deep understanding of yoga movement, breath work and philosophy coupled with an encyclopedic knowledge of anatomy and physiology. In addition to teaching yoga at Middle Tennessee’s most respected yoga schools, Michele has led workshops for children with disabilities, teachers, social service workers, parents and others on a variety of topics including Yoga for Children, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness, Adaptive Yoga and Vinyasa Flow.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Struggle to Finish

There are times when I run that it is easy to remain in God's presence, the time floats by without effort. I have come to see these times as gifts. They don't come often and I treasure them. No matter what type of meditation and prayer you practice, whether it is silent meditation or running meditation like myself you will have those times when time is not an issue and the meditation is free and easy.

Yesterday my 16 mile run was not this way. I could feel time, I could feel my knees getting sore and my feet aching. It was a battle to finish. Thoughts kept creeping into my head. I have learned through the practice of spiritual running that you acknowledge the thoughts and let them go. I would focus on my feet hitting the ground, my surroundings, my breath. I would practice one of the scripture passages I have memorized as a mantra. This would bring me consciously into the presence of God once again. I had to do this over and over as my mind kept struggling to go to the challenges I am facing in my life right in the moment.

When I face a challenge I am aware that it is so difficult to turn it over to God and trust that he only has good things planned for my life. And it is even more difficult to believe that all is well in these moments. I have come to believe in running mediation that the run that is a struggle is the most beneficial on the spiritual journey. Because it is a struggle and this is the one we most often engage in on our life's journey, I am also aware this is the reason most people give up on the run, or any exercise. When the going gets tough we have a natural tendency to give up, say I quit, and return to our old habits and inefficiencies. These inefficiencies may not produce the outcome we desire and they do not lead to the spiritual path but they are comfortable and familiar, like an old running shoe.

An old running shoe must be discarded when it is no longer useful. The cushioning breaks down, it gets worn and begins to give us problems. Old patterns of thought, old ways, ineffective methods must be discarded to make room for the new, and the spiritual. Don't be afraid, keep running on the path, keep reflecting and acknowledging the old and letting it go. Know that for all of us on the spiritual path the difficult run, the one you are not sure you will make it through, is the one that is most effective, as it is what happens when we seek God's will in our lives. So keep running, keep persisting, keep grounded in the movement and come to enjoy the spiritual path.

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and never to harm you."

Blessings and keep on the spiritual running path.

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