About Me

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Hendersonville, Tennessee, United States
“I believe in the power of yoga,” says MPC YOGA FOR ALL founder Michele Priddy. “I have seen lives change, including my own, in deep, transformative and real ways.” Michele, who holds a Master’s degree in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University and certification as a RYT-500 from Yoga Alliance, has more than two decades of experience helping adults and children of all ages and abilities reach their maximum potential. Her highly-individualized yoga classes, workshops and in-service training programs are more than just opportunities to for her students to move: they are transformational experiences made even richer by Michele’s deep understanding of yoga movement, breath work and philosophy coupled with an encyclopedic knowledge of anatomy and physiology. In addition to teaching yoga at Middle Tennessee’s most respected yoga schools, Michele has led workshops for children with disabilities, teachers, social service workers, parents and others on a variety of topics including Yoga for Children, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness, Adaptive Yoga and Vinyasa Flow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Minor Annoyance

Life is filled with minor annoyances. Little things that happen on a daily basis that make our life inconvenient, frustrating and downright stressful. How we choose to handle these events determines our peace of mind in any given moment. Today was one of those days. The running stroller finally arrived, a week ago. It has been sitting in our garage for a week because I was relying on my husband to put it together. As it came in a little box, I anticipated hundreds of pieces with complex directions and frankly was not up to it so I asked my husband to handle it. Today, he had the time and put it together. Into the bedroom he came, while I was relaxing and reading to let me know it did not look like the stroller that I had borrowed from Tommy. Upon investigation, it is the wrong stroller. GREAT!! Just GREAT! (and a few other words) Back to the receipt, and return policy on the Internet, phone call, e-mail and wait until Monday to see what the outcome is. I'm just not sure if the error is mine (which I have automatically assumed, and the error I've already figured out will cost me $200.00) or the error was on the part of the company. Why am I jumping to conclusions without waiting for the customer service to call me back? Why am I putting myself through the worst case scenario? All I can do at this point is to wait until Monday.

These are the little events that occur as a result of living life. Compared to the big things, death, financial ruin, illness, is this really such a big deal? But these are the daily events I often choose to go crazy over!

I think I'll concentrate on paying attention to all the things that go smoothly in my life, at least until the next annoyance!

Have a blessed day, pay attention to all things that occure without incident, inconvenience or annoyance!


"I am running, with perseverance the race that is set before me."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing THE JOURNEY with me. What a wonderful life event to share. Grace is all around and all we have to do .. is to be aware of it. Thanks for sharing your awareness!!!!

rusty s.